The God-shaped hole

Pictures: Google
My eyes have recently been open to a whole new idea of thinking!
A huge part of my life I have been struggeling with addictions. And since my journey with God started for like 2-3 years ago I have gone through a massive change.I had a problem with smoking, drinking and doing drugs for some years in my life. But now I don't do that anymore. I have overcome it by Gods grace. But as I conntiued my journey with the Lord I found that just as I had overcome one addiction, I found another one that God told me to let go. And the list has been going on.
But recently I have been listening a lot to some great sermons with some great Adventist preachers and counselours. And I have discovered that whether it was the addiction to food, flirting with boys and starting unappropiate relationships, watching series, movies, sexual inpurity, overeating, beeing too much on facebook. They all have the same addictive pattern.
It starts with an emotion of lonliness and a craving to fill that hole! And then the things we use to fill that hole with, but afterwards we are only left with emptyness and guilt.
So that means that what we are filling ourselves with aren't real! It's fake! It doesn't make us truely satisfied! And it never will. It is not until we realize that the hole we have inside us is God-shaped, that we understand that only God can fill it!
And the thing is that God created us to have a such a hole so that we would seek him, and find him!
But Satan is coming up with all those other things to be addicted to so that we will be to busy to seek God.
And the feeling of lonliness is actually a good thing! Because that is God, calling us to seek him. Because he so desperatly want to fill us up for real! And the thing is! No other relationship can fill up your whole! That is why so many people think that they can't be happy unless they are married! That is a lie!!!
If you can't be happy as a single person you will never be happy as a married one!
So the next time you feel that aching heart of yours - you know it's God calling you to let him forfill your every need!
- Love
